As I mentioned earlier Infinite is gearing up for a comeback, and all the speculations thought that they would be making a comeback in late March or early April, but yesterday at our practice I found out that they wourld be making a comeback already next week! AGUKSYAGHAFSAAASAAHFAASGDSKSNMCV and I got a real shock when I looked up their website right after four o' clock. A FREAKING TEASER!! A FREAKING SUNGJONG TEASER!!! AND THEY WILL BE RELEASING TEASER EVERY DAY UNTIL THEIR COMEBACK DATE IF I AM NOT MISTAKEN!!! AND THEN THEY WILL RELEASE AN MV NEXT THURSDAY!!!!!!! (Wednesday Swedish time) SERIOUSLY, THEY'RE KILLING MY POOR FANGIRL HEART </3 AND SUNGJONG IS SO FREAKING CUTE I LITERALLY SCREAMED THE ENTIRE TEASER BECAUSE OF HIS CUTENESS!! AND THAT CAT IS SO FREAKING CUTE TOO, I WANT ONE :(
What was really awesome is that last night when I was going to sleep I thought about their comeback, and I actually thought that they might make a comeback with a more happy song (I thought like a Teen Top Miss Right-ish kind of song, but it turned out just to be a happy-cute kind of song), and I was kind of right was I xD And I also thought that the MV teaser would've been released this weekend or so, but I never would have thought that it was going to be released today :D
And I'm so happy that they're going with individual teasers, that makes me so glad ^^ but at the same time my fangirl heart won't make an entire week with teaser releases and and MV after that.. well well, I will be spamming the blog each day when a new teaser have been released to fill up the blog while no one else will blog.. except for Fayee who I think will be spazzing over Girl's Days new MV that will be released tomorrow :P
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